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Tax-deductible contributions to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation can be made in cash, check, credit card, securities or personal property in any amount. All contributions are tax-deductible and can be designated to specific or general alumni programs and scholarships. Donations can be made online using credit cards or Paypal. We also accept personal checks and bank drafts.

All donations are spent with the approval of the Board of Directors in accordance with school district goals and policies. The monies generated are distributed to the schools in the form of mini grants ($200 to $400) and major project awards focused in the areas of advanced technology, fine arts, cultural enrichment, professional development and general scholastic achievement. Every dollar donated through your support goes directly to the school district to provide its students with the necessary tools and encouragement to enrich their lives through a quality education.

Individual Endowments

Through the endowment program, the Foundation provides donors the opportunity to perpetuate an annual award in a program area of the donor’s choice. A minimum gift of $10,000 establishes an endowment for a designated program. Donors may be individuals, corporations, or businesses, organizations, or other foundations. An endowment may be given in the name of the donor or in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one. An endowment gift of $10,000 may be pledged over a five-year period with an annual gift of $2,500 that provides a $500 award each year. Grants to Teachers Program Encourages teachers to develop creative pre K through 12 projects that stimulate though and enhance student learning.

Grants funded up to $1,000

School Site Grants Encourage parental involvement, reading improvement, computer literacy, student critical thinking and problem solving skills, (grants funded up to $5,000) motivational scholarships for high school students, help pay for summer school tuition and encourage students to stay on track and or complete work for graduation. Scholarships are based on financial need and attendance criteria. (Scholarships up to $100)

The foundation

The Foundation supports educational excellence by providing funds for enrichment purposes in program areas not otherwise funded by the Hamburg School District. Funding does not replace or alter use of funds from traditional tax-based purposes.

It is the intent of the Foundation to secure and distribute financial assistance for programs and projects that will enrich the district’s academic, cultural, athletic and other relationships between the schools and its community.

Bulldog Legacy Giving Program

The Bulldog Legacy Giving Program recognizes and honors generous individuals who have decided to provide a planned, “legacy” gift through provisions made in a will, trust or insurance policy. Planned gifts assure the future of the Hamburg Alumni Foundation’s mission to provide resources for the enrichment of the Hamburg Central School District, and they enable benefactors to help District students for generations to come. Bulldog Legacy benefactors know that their gifts will enhance programs, activities and improvements in the District beyond the scope of school tax dollars. A bequest – transfer of property by will – to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation is one of the easiest ways of perpetuating your support for the Foundation’s efforts to enhance the experience of students in the Hamburg Schools. You may stipulate whether the bequest is for general support or for a specific purpose. A bequest may also be made in honor or memory of another individual. Bequests to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation may include cash, securities, life insurance, IRAs, annuities, trusts, real estate, works of art
or other personal property. When making a will, you should obtain the advice of an attorney, and if you already have a will, a bequest may be added as a codicil without rewriting your entire will. We will be pleased to work with you to design a gift specifically tailored to your wishes.

The following are suggested forms for various types of bequests:

  • (a) “I bequeath the sum of $_____ to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation, P.O. Box 174, Hamburg, NY 14075 to be used or disposed of as its Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.”
  • (b) “I bequeath _______ (describe specific asset, or assets) to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation, P.O. Box 174, Hamburg, NY 14075 to be used or disposed of as its Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.”
  • (c) “I devise all of my right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at (DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY) to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation, P.O. Box 174, Hamburg, NY 14075 to be used or disposed of as its Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.”
  • (d) “I devise and bequeath (all/or _____%) of the remainder of my property to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation, P.O. Box 174, Hamburg, NY 14075 to be used or disposed of as its Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.”
  • (e) “If my husband/wife does not survive me, I bequeath the sum of $_____ to the Hamburg Alumni Foundation, P.O. Box 174, Hamburg, NY 14075 to be used or disposed of as its Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.”

For more information, please contact the Foundation at:

E-mail: [email protected]