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Mollie Mcshane


Distinguished Alumni

Mollie McShane Fenger, Class of 1948

Mollie lived all of her life in Hamburg along with her brothers Bill (Mort), Hank and Bob. She was an honor student in the Hamburg School system and a varsity cheerleader. Her summers after graduation were spent as a playground counselor at the Community Center. She graduated in 1952 from Wheaton College for Women with a B.A. in American Studies. 

Thirty years later she earned a Master’s degree in Theology and was the first Iaywoman to graduate from Christ the King Seminary Graduate School. Mollie was a member of the Village Recreation Commission, Town Youth Bureau, Girl Scout Troop leader and Council Member, an active member of the League of Women Voters, Founder and Editor of the FOCUS newsletter from the School Board to the tax-payers, Board President of Benedict House for homeless AIDS patients which was one of President Bush’s Points of Light, President of the PTA, and co-founded the student ski program at Glenwood Acres. She established and was the Director of Development at Christ the King Seminary where she obtained many significant grants for academic and building upgrades. 

She was a member of St. Peter and Paul’s Church Parish Council and served on the 150th anniversary and remodeling committees. She was an avid genealogist and did a detailed research of the McShanes and was in the process of writing the family history Mollie died in 2011 from Alzheimer’s. She just faded away, her memory was gone but her spirit was there. She was a lady filled with love, grace, and dignity