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Music Fundraiser
Music Department Fundraiser
The Hamburg Alumni Foundation is looking to raise $75,000 for the Hamburg Schools’ Music Department! The Foundation is kicking things off with a $20,000 donation!
Tax deductible donations can be made by:
Check – Hamburg Alumni Foundation – Music
Venmo* or PayPal* – @hamburgalumnifoundation
*please note music department fundraiser
Hamburg Foundation Music Dept. Fundraiser
Help us reach our goal of $75,000!
Hamburg Foundation Music Dept. Fundraiser
Help us reach our goal of $75,000!
Donor Recognition
The goal of the Hamburg Alumni Foundation has always been to generate and distribute resources to enrich education. Our newest initiative is to raise $75,000 for the Hamburg Schools’ Music Department, starting with a $20,000 grant from the Foundation.
The money raised will provide instruments and enhance the music education experience for students.
Please consider making an immediate tax-deductible donation to this cause.
Donations can be made in several ways:
- Check – payable to Hamburg Alumni Foundation – Music
- Credit card – via our website: https://hamburgalumnifoundation.org/donate/
- PayPal – @hamburgalumnifoundation*
- Venmo – @hamburgalumnifoundation*
*please note music department fundraiser
We are welcoming individual and class donations. All donations will be recognized on our website. We encourage all alumni to share this with your classmates and friends of music education.
Special recognition levels:
Bulldog: $1,000
Purple & White: $500
Pawprint: $250
Friends of Music: $100
We are thrilled to welcome Bob Reichard, long-time High School Band Director and Wall of Fame Distinguished Educator, as our Honorary Co-Chairman of this event. Few understand the integral role that Music plays in overall education of our students like Bob does. The memories and friendships will last a lifetime!
Since 2004, the Foundation has donated nearly $1 million for educator grants, scholarships, and district projects including the LED high school sign, playground upgrades, scoreboards, and more.
Please visit our website to learn more about our four annual fundraising events; All Class Reunion, Wall of Fame, Alumni Golf Tournament, and Bash & Cash.
Any questions about the music fundraiser should be directed to Co-Chair Paul J. Rich (Class of 1977) at [email protected].
Go Bulldogs!
Hamburg Alumni Foundation Board of Directors